
 Volts and Bolts

 in Brazil:

 TecAt - grounding

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 Officina de Mydia  

 Atmos - lightning

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 © 2023 Volts and Bolts OÜ - all rights reserved

We can run our software for you!

If you:

- are in a hurry

- don’t want to learn a new technics right now

- want to check the reports of our software on a real case before investing on a license and learning

- contracted a project with an engineering company and want to check the results

Then, with a very reasonable cost, we will run our software using your data and send you all the reports - in editable files; you’ll keep the control (and the responsibility, see below) of your project, but won’t need to care with the execution of the calculations and data for the reports!

How it works:

  1. You download the manual we prepared with the data that you must send us for each case; for example, the soil resistivity stratification requires the measurements from the field and a draft of the estate showing the lines were the measurements were taken.
  2. We check your data and, if needed, ask for some detail that’s missing and confirm the price.
  3. We send you the invoice and run the corresponding software, generating a preliminary report.
  4. You send us any additional comment or alteration.
  5. We then run the software again, generating the definitive reports.

[Attention: this is not an engineering service! We don’t have any control over the data you send, we don’t go visit the site, the reports can be edited afterwards and so on; you - or your engineering consultant - remains the sole technical responsible for the project]

Interested? Send us a note at .



Info required

Soil resistivity stratification up to 4-layer

from € 80 (1)

Wenner field data (2)  

Grid resistance, grid potentials



LPS Risk and rods/cage design



(1) - € 20 additional if you already has a stratification that want us to double-check

(2) - we send you a manual with instructions